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Hangzhou Leo Filter Press Co.,Ltd.
(Zhejiang Leo Filter Technology Co.,Ltd.)

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Sludge Filter Press,Sludge Filtration for Different Slurry Dewatering from Leo Filter Press,Filter Press Manufacturer from China

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Sludge Filter Press,Sludge Filtration for Different Slurry Dewatering from Leo Filter Press,Filter Press Manufacturer from China

Sludge Filter Press,Sludge Filtration for Different Slurry Dewatering from Leo Filter Press,Filter Press Manufacturer from China

Sludge Dewatering Operation Filter Press,Special Designed Filter Press for Various Kind of Slurry after Treatment

Sludge Filter Press is specially designed filter press system for different sludge dewatering operation, there will be various kind of sludge from different slurries, such as industrial wastewater treatment, mining producing wastewater, municipal wastewater, commercial area wastewater etc. these sludge need to be dewatered to get minimum sludge volume and to get less environment treatment cost.

The sludge filter press operation still based on the filter press working principle, but according to different sludge dewatering,every sludge dewatering system will be specially designed,normally the filter press model will be also different and there will be various types of filter press and also the filter press operation also different,some project need automatic filter cloth washing system,some of the sludge is very viscous, need to have vibrating system to get the filter cakes,some system need special drying system to get drier sludge cakes.

Brief Instruction of Leo Filter Press Sludge Dewatering Filter Press

Filter press plate size:400mm to 2000mm

Filtering pressure:6bar to 20bar

Chamber capacity:10L to 20000L

Automatic system:automatic filter cloth washing system, filter cake drying system, filter plate vibrating system etc.

Filter press feed pump: diaphragm membrane pump, screw pump,centrigugal pump etc.

Filter press cloth material and micron rating: PP,PE or Nylon

Certificate: CE,ISO

External size: according to sludge dewatering capacity

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